When you are planning your next project with a voiceover, you are hoping for a good experience. It can be hit or miss sometimes. Many factors go into making an experience positive but there are a few that really stand out for me. These are based on an experience I had with a local contractor.
Years ago, we hired a contractor for a major home project years ago. I was nervous about selecting the right one. So many choices. So many variables. So many reviews. So much to go wrong.
After many candidates, we hired one. He was professional – methodical – timely – and his experience was reassuring. In the end, we were super happy with his work and we actually became friends. We lucked out!
His example is what I strive for and I pride myself on providing that same quality voiceover experience in a few “Tried & True” ways:
Quality Sound
– Real, genuine, warm, and energetic voices help listeners connect. And a pro-quality home studio with Source Connect ensures clean audio.
– Schedules and deadlines are tight. Production workflow is easier having someone available full-time to fit YOUR schedule.
– A voice that has been used for trusted brands like McDonald’s, the US Dept. of Energy, SAP, and Nationwide means you are working with a trusted professional for a positive experience.
CTV, has all 3!
Not only that, but I enjoy teaming up with you to show off your work to more folks on my LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram pages. The more folks see your work, the better! And I post some light-hearted items that you may enjoy as well.
There are many other aspects that help projects run smooth, but these are a few “Tried & True” ways that CTV helps make your project easier for you.
CTV – “Tried & True”